Technical Development Accomplishments

Below is a list of just some of the behind-the-scenes tech developments this team has built to position Vetter ecosystem and Skylabs as the premier tool for early-stage blockchain investment research, and to attract the top dev teams and projects to launch from Skylabs Launchpad.

  • Event listener (giving full details of the token trades, history, immediate tier change alerts to staking contract, etc.)

  • Full nodes (speed up the dApps by running our own blockchain nodes)

  • Multiple complex smart contracts (innovative with 3 having been audited; 2 audited by CertiK)

  • Hybrid contract/api database model

  • New ER20 Taxes Interface proposal near complete

  • Authentication contract and method to prove ownership of a wallet

  • Royalty based staking revenue sharing and NFT-like externally available package lock-in model (proprietary Package model)

  • Aggregated notifications across all services in the works

  • VAHL, which is an acronym for Vetter Audited Highest Low (innovative methods of determining project launch success)

  • No slippage swap (goal-based rather than based on the number of tokens to swap)

  • Ad targeting tied to your favourite projects and blockchains (tech built to ad this and similar personalised features in the future)

  • Google-like interface to survey token landscape by category, chain, vahl, snippet contents

Last updated